
But if you close your eyes


05-08-2014, 07:41 PM

"As much fun as a wolf can have with a rotting piece of fruit, I guess." A raised brow was shown. Nothing less, nothing more as he continued to watch her. It was soon after speaking that his gaze would follow the fruit as it rolled away from her, before returning to watch her again. Her own green gaze locking with his as she studied him. The more he looked at her, the more he felt that he had known her before. Seen her and possibly even spoken to her once upon a time. His suspicion was cleared, however, when she voiced her own question.

He pondered for a moment, remembering back to another season, a warm day had been dulled with boredom. The male had been sitting on the roof of an old tractor, where he had met a young curious girl. Recognition prickled his mind and fur, and he would keep his gaze steady upon her. "Well, maybe because you were a shrimp who couldn't get up the tractor steps." He replied, though it wasn't kind, it held a slight sense of humor. He looked her over a moment, "Well, seems like you still are a little shrimp aren't you?"

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