
autumn chillin'



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
05-08-2014, 08:25 PM

In the pack lands, Esti wandered aimlessly. Really she was hoping for a free meal, but none had been found yet. She walked, oblivious to the feelings of the grass under her paws or the buzzing of insects nearby. The girl's mind wanted food, and it wanted food now, dead, at her feet, preferably already opened for her. That was wistful thinking, though Esti allowed it because she couldn't find a reason not to daydream about being waited on head-and-paw. Eventually the girl settled down, too absorbed in her little world to be bothered with walking further. Her frame was already larger than most her age, though, compared to her siblings, she was normal. She didn't notice she was large yet, though later in life it would be her proudest attribute.

A small pup seemed to dance into view, though at enough distance to where it could have easily been some sort of dinner, judging by size. At least to Esti it looked like dinner. The girl stood slowly, her ears lowering and her shoulders rolling as her tail came off the ground. So it wasn't dead, at her feet, or pre-opened, but it was here now and free, which was convenient. A small smile took to Esti's face as her paws began to slowly lift and slowly place back on the ground in succession, the girl suddenly aware of the grasses that brushed across her body. Her body, teeming with energy, filling, growing hot, moved closer to the pup. Her stomach tightened with anticipation as her heart pounded. Each beat of her heart brought a reddened blur to the girl's vision, blocking out everything but the very core of her target. Had she been thinking, she may have seen it was a pup by now, but blood-lust coursed through her veins and took control. Her body became so hot, so full, that all at once it was released with a leap and roar, teeth flashing and eyes narrowing, aiming straight for the food that was no longer able to be seen.
