
A small rest with a new friend



8 Years
05-08-2014, 10:09 PM

Falling asleep had been much easier than he thought it would be. Sure it was only a light sleep but still, he had fallen asleep within seconds of laying his head down. All the work and effort he put in to making sure his stores were full and that Callisto always had something to study had had him more exhausted than he had anticipated. Yet he wouldn't trade his job or profession for the world.

His slumber had been dreamless which left him with a twitch-less slumber. His breathing had been so light and smooth that, unless one was looking, someone might think he had died. Alas he was far from dead. The autumn sun still warmed his raven like pelt and there was no breeze to give him a chill or bring the scent of anything to him. Though the breeze didn't matter to him as he was within pack boarders, so he need not worry about being snuck up on an attacked.

A familiar voice would soon break the silence of the garden. Was it happier than the last time he'd heard the females voice? Perhaps it was, or maybe he was just imagining it. Either way his ears would perk toward the sound of her voice. It would take only a second more for him to lift his head and open his icy blue eyes. He hadn't realized who it was until he noticed the black markings on her face.

The man listened carefully as she spoke, yet used that time to actually look at her. Until now she was the only wolf in the pack that he knew but could only tell who she was if he was looking directly at her face. He wouldn't have been able to point her out from a distance like he could Callisto, any of the high lords and ladies and their queen. But now as he stored all the information about her form in his mind he would be able to do that.

He wasted no time answering her as, as soon as she finished and waited patiently for his answer his deep tones would fill the air around them replacing the once feminine tones that had previously drifted around them. "I would never turn down anyone willing to ask for help, and yes I am Maximous. he would pause only for a moment to look away, yawn and voice an apology before looking back and continuing "Yes we did meet at the boarder, or rather inside it. I am sorry I wasn't exactly the friendliest man at the time, I had been on my way out of the territory to find herbs for my student Callisto and managed to forget my manors."

He would sit up and stretch before sliding easily back onto his haunches. "So, Adelaide, what is it you need help with?" He took the time between his question and her answer to look her over more thoroughly than he had before. Her ears and tail were tipped in black. Each side of her face donned six black stripes. Aside from those few black markings she was as white as a fresh blanket of snow in the winter. Though her legs were long, she was only a medium sized wolf. She was definitely built for speed and not brawn. With her bushy tail, had she been smaller, she might have been mistaken for a large fox. All together she was beautiful, and just as all the women of Ebony she was gorgeous in her own way.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)