
~ Colliding Hope ~

Chenoa I


05-08-2014, 10:46 PM
The large girl listened carefully, nodding as she followed the others example and rested upon her bum, tail curling over her paws this time. Her gaze trained carefully upon the others face, watching her as she spoke, and then asked her a question. She regarded the other woman for a moment before answering, "I was raised from a young age how to hunt, fight, heal, and proper social skills. The pack was a family, much as this, as you said, ending up in my relations constantly around. I was trained by my aunt, who was quite strict. Punishment always was severe and humiliating if you did not correctly perform a task and you needed assistance. At the age of 2, I was traveling, and met two brutes who also taught me. They helped me to better hone my social and fighting skills. Though, I am still lacking in the healing part of things, as I only know the basics for traveling and small injuries."

The lady paused for a moment, somewhat shifting her weight forward, lifting her head a bit, giving Natalya enough time to process everything she had spoken. Then, she proceeded to speak, "I am currently at the age of 3 years. I'm quite interested in learning what makes other wolves tick, what pleases them best, what I can observe and mimic from others to improve my own performance and appearance within the pack. I often enjoy watching others and learning like that. I'm also quite intrigued by pack allies and enemies, since we had none of that in my old pack. I want to better understand how those types of things work, if they assist the pack a lot or rarely speak and only help if absolutely necessary." As she came to a close, she licked her lips, ducking her head and lapping at her chest fur for a moment, realising she had rambled a bit.


319 words.