
But if you close your eyes


05-09-2014, 01:48 AM

A smirk lifted, noticing the irritation on her. If she couldn't handle a little comment here and there, then she was hanging with the wrong guy. She should have remembered the first time, he wasn't a happy dude then either. Much less now with all that had been going on, but he wouldn't dwell on it anymore. He would preserve what he could, and cast aside what had hurt him. Reluctantly, but he would try his best. He raised a brow at her comment, a blank look on his face as he sized her up...not that there was much to size up to begin with. She was pretty small, but it suited her.

"Is that so? I'll believe it when I see it, princess. You shouldn't let people get to you, it'll only get in your way. Take it from me, I've dealt with people who have put me down and said negative things all my life. But eventually you turn your back on the pessimists and you learn not to give a damn." You also learn to stop hoping...with less hope, comes less pain. His eyes darkened slightly with that simple thought. For it was something he believed in his entire life. The tri-colored brute would move away, sitting underneath a fruit tree that produced a few red apples that gathered on the ground at the base of the trunk. He took one for himself, the other he swept with one paw and watched it roll towards the girl. "What did you say your name was?"

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