


05-09-2014, 03:05 AM

The male remained in the South. Though he would soon begin a trek across the lands in the hopes of finding herbalists and healers that could perhaps tell him if there was a cure for his condition, or if he was sentenced to be forever cursed with it. Making his way from the lands of Seracia, he'd approach a forest that he wasn't sure was safe or not. Although the location seemed promising, the sight did not. Looming ahead of him, a swath of trees that seemed to portray an eerie feeling about them, but what caught him most was the scents that seemed to border it. So, these were pack lands? He didn't know there was another pack in the South besides Seracia...he would hold caution, unsure as to whether this pack was friendly, or hostile. "Only one way to find out...I can't let anything stop me from this quest." He murmured to himself. He stopped several feet from the border, wondering if he should call out or wait for someone to happen by. Though the latter seemed unappealing, because he could be waiting here all day. With a nervous intake of air, the male let out a soft call. A short howl, letting anyone nearby know of his presence. If these wolves happened to be hostile, he would quickly take his leave. But if not, he would explain to them what he sought, and hopefully gain a listening ear and a helping paw.

"Talk here."