
These Flowers Will Fade


05-09-2014, 11:40 AM

The white maiden had strayed from her pack territory once more, aiming to collect herbs that could not be found within their boundaries. Already she had found large quantities of meadowsweet and yarrow, these she held safely in her jaws. Now, as she continued to browse a field of wildflowers, she began to grow a bit drowsy. The air was still today with no wind to tell of, so there would be no chance of her findings being blown away. Adelaide carefully laid the herbs at her feet and settled into the sweet smell of dying flowers, the warm embrace of autumn sunshine all around her. This was one of the most beautiful days she had seen so far in this unforgiving season, and so she relished in it, knowing that winter was looming around the corner.

Jaws parted to give a wide yawn as the girl made herself comfortable, draping her luxurious tail around her body. She tucked her nose against her forelegs and closed her eyes gently, sending a dark fringe of eyelashes across her cheeks. Adelaide relaxed once more, a smile on her lips, and drifted into an easy slumber. She was, of course, in rogue lands. This meant that while she slept twin audits would flick intermittently, constantly searching for a foreign sound. For now, though, she was alone. She was safe. She could sleep in the sunshine without a care in the world.
