
Lets Fill Our Stomachs!



05-09-2014, 03:16 PM

Dayton threw one more concerned glance toward Misha as they started off after the scouts. They followed at a slower pace, of course, so the boy was able to gather his thoughts about the impending hunt. Ritsuka had granted him the task of making the killing blow, and he was incredibly honored. One opportunity after another, and he would be proving himself. The russet boy kept his head tall and proud, a smile on his face as they moved along. Soon, Qanik came loping back over to them. Her scouting companion was nowhere to be seen. There was a look of concern on her face as she delivered the news. "Gossamir is out. She took ill and had to leave." The young male felt a frown appear on his lips. The poor girl. Hopefully she would be well enough to enjoy their prize later on.

The small brute perked his ears as the lady continued to speak.There was a herd of prey less than a mile from where they now stood. According to her words and the scent on the breeze, they were grazing south of here. His tail wagged slowly, excitement growing as the snowy woman listed off important details. Dayton was sure to take note of them. Older buck with a limp... female with poor eyesight... these would be their prime targets. Amber gaze floated to each member in turn, reading their reactions. Then he turned to Ritsuka. "The buck may provide more meat for the pack, but the female would be easier to take down," he pointed out. "Which do you recommend we take down?"

Strategy would be based on this. The buck would require more backup, and would also risk more injury. If they targeted the female, however, it could be possible to bring down more than one. But Ritsuka was leader of this hunt, and Dayton unquestionably submitted to him. He simply tilted his head, patiently awaiting a reply.