
Do you wanna build a snowman?



5 Years
05-09-2014, 02:14 PM

Her son's question caught the woman slightly off guard, but she was no less willing to answer for all that. She smiled down at him and chuckled, the corners of her eyes crinkling with her smile. "My son can do whatever he wishes! If that is waging wars and winning glory, so be it. And if he would rather sit with the sages and teach the young and tend to the sick, it is no less noble a cause." She turned once more to follow in Svetlana and Valeriya's tracks, but before she could pinpoint her errant children, two new voices broke into their morning affair. Raisa looked up to see a young woman, by the name of Adelaide if memory served, trailed closely by Vaughan. The woman she had seen in passing of course, but had not gotten to know overly well since her admission. Vaughan on the other hand was a sight for sore eyes, and she beamed at them both. "Only their first time out of the den and they're already causing trouble!" Raisa chuckled, both at the situation and Vaughan's implication that one of the children was made just for him, and continued on her way towards the scrub her youngest and oldest had disappeared into. "What've you got there, love?" Parting the flora with a paw, Raisa revealed two pups and a kit, the latter constricting her heart with the force of powerful memories. Koros...

She watched in silence as Svetlana introduced herself, and as the kind girl swore not to bring the creature to harm. It occurred to the queen that perhaps there were other kits around. It would do well for her heirs to have stewards of their own, as their ancestors had before them. Raisa lifted her nose to the wind, but to her disappointment, found nothing. The queen brought her gaze back to the gathering before her. "Svet, if you plan to care for Korrin, it will be a lot of responsibility. Are you sure that's what you want?" Some wolves used foxes as play things, in that they were terribly cruel to them before ending their lives, and not even for the want of food. That was not a course any Xanilov wolf would take under her guidance, not that she believed Svet would stoop to such cruelty, but rather she wished the best for any vulpine creature in her family's care.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!