
Black sheep in the crowd [pack meeting]

Katja the First


8 Years
05-09-2014, 02:51 PM

Vaughan began the meeting. At first there was little of interest. A more official announcement of the pups, an explanation for Raisa's absence. He spoke of the high lords and ladies who had not been properly doing their duties, and demotions for those who had not even attended the meeting as well as his expectations for the ones who had not been active. He then announced a promotion. Katja's silver gaze tracked Raisa's second as he spoke but she made no move otherwise, until he unexpectedly turned to her. It was unexpected, she had not known Vaughan thought so highly of her efforts nor had she desired rank, but it seemed the gods had a purpose in this as they often did. Considering this development, she inclined her head to him in acceptance.

It also seemed she was to organize a lesson in hunting, something she would be more than happy to oblige in. She was continually surprised that no one in Ebony was starving with the way they clumped around like giants. Perhaps she could teach them a more effective way. Again she nodded her acceptance, and glanced toward the wolf he'd indicated would lead the warrior lesson. A new wolf, one she had yet to meet. It would be intriguing to see what skills and tactics he would speak to them of. And on to the healer who was to guide the healers in a lesson of their own. Now Katja spoke up. "Would an Ebon welcomed be, if interested they be, to a lesson in healing?" Basic healing was a skill any should have, a lesson driven home when she had found her elder sister bleeding out after being trapped by the earthquake and being forced to depend on her for the knowledge to assist her, a risky proposition when she could have lost consciousness.
