


05-09-2014, 05:30 PM
The second round will end MAY 19TH. Post your wolves by then.

Slowly they would trickle in, one by one, greeting her and taking seat. Kylar, as always was the first to arrive. Hati would silently stalk forward, looking more disgruntled than usual. Ragna and Kaneyna would file in next and she would greet them both with a dip of head. Neios, he precious Neios, would slink forward next, coming up beside her, a question rolling off his tongue. Lips curled back, jaws snapping in his direction. Boldly, he would sit himself beside her, as though he ruled the pack with her. Her Duchess would arrive silently, seating her amongst the crowd. The slave would arrive, looking surprisingly health. Neios was slacking. Her daughter and plaything would arrive together, stinking of each others scent. Whatever it was, this boy had captured her daughters attention. Novocaine would arrive, looking pissy as usual. She rather liked the boy and his spunk, though sometimes she just wanted to wring his neck. Sora would be one of the last to arrive, greeting her quietly. She needed to do something with him, rather than allowing him to simply occupy space and sulk daily. Her second Marquis would arrive, looking mildly unwell. The sound of something being dragged had her attention shifting to Uisge as he strolled forward, carrying a dead boar. A brow lifted, did he hope to get back into her good graces with food? "I'm not so easily swayed, Uisge." Velvety words left her lips. Last to arrive was Mariposa, one of the other slaves, it appeared as though the woman as attempting to better herself and wiggle back into the Queens good graces.

She would pause for a moment. The absence of Meinx, Nott, Avery and Victoria would cause her hackles to lift. They were all in for an unpleasant surprise. Especially when it occurred to her that Basilisk had failed to keep his promise. "Well, its a pleasant surprise to see that you all managed to show up." Sarcasm dripped heavily from her lips as eyes turned to liquid fire. "As much as it would please me, I will not be made a fool of when you are all dead on the battlefield because of your poor skills." The woman never rose her voice above its normal level, but threats drenched every syllable. Those that had showed up to training, had been slow to move their ass's when it was time to spar. " When the Marquis calls a meeting, you had all better jump to your feet and come running, unless you desire to lose a limb." Barely controlled rage seethed from her pours. She would start dishing punishments to those who needed it. They had received enough chances. "While we are on this subject, I don't give a fuck if you all starve, but you will participate in the pack hunts, some of us prefer to eat." Lips curled back over her fangs as she rose to her feet. "Your Commanders are to be treated with respect and their orders obeyed."

"Now, I would like to introduce you to the newest prisoners, Pandia and Mariposa." They would all know what it meant to have prisoners, they were the playthings within the pack and would be treated as such. She was certain that after the tongue lashing they got, they would all like to take out a little frustration. "As for Basilisk, due to his incompetence to rule, if any of you stumble upon him, bring his sorry ass to me." She had verbally demoted him in front of the pack. No longer did he have the pleasure of being called Monarch. He was worthless, a waste of her time.

It was time to move onto more important things. "Sora, you will mentor Novocaine." There was no debating it, she would pair them up to learn together and teach each other. It was time for her son to do more than sit around on his ass. "Hati and Daegmar, continue with your training, if anyone decides not to show, feel free to punish them as you see fit." It was a dangerous amount of power to give, especially if there was someone they didn't particularly favor. "Kaneyna, take out a few other the younger members and teach them to hunt." Her frame still vibrated with uncontrolled rage, her words still seething, but there was no time to dwell. They would learn soon enough. The Queen would stop speaking, waiting for her pack to acknowledge their failures and their newest tasks.