
i walk alone



5 Years
05-09-2014, 06:30 PM

Raisa had expected the warrior to charge her, to bare her fangs and claws and rip her to shreds. In fact, the Xanilov royal had been prepared to let her. After all, who could blame the fierce woman if she felt betrayed or enraged at her Queen's absence? But instead, she received a soft response, filled with sadness and something akin to regret. "Failed you, I have done," the woman claimed. Raisa's eyes opened wide and her mouth unhinged, begging her throat for a response, any sort of explanation that might spring to her lips and bring to light the dark truth of her own infidelity. But instead she sputtered. Raisa could only shake her head from side to side, waiting for her mind to catch up to her sinking heart. "No Katja, no," she said at last. "No one here is at fault but myself. I was lost to my demons, they consumed me, and my better senses were swept away in their tide." She shuddered to think of it all, or at least what remained coherent to her. Her eyes grew wet, though she would let no tears fall. "It is with my humblest apologies that I beg for your forgiveness. It is I who have failed you." She looked down at Koros, into the piebald fox's mismatched eyes. They swam with a wealth of understanding and affection. I must seem very changed to him, she thought absently. I am hardly the wolf he left half a year ago.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
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