
Coming Together (Tortuga Event)


05-09-2014, 07:56 PM

"We'll be kings and queens in this dream,"

As a whine would come from the golden boy, the summer child would loosen a bit, as he writhed from his grip and would set his defenses once more after the attack, a good strategy. During this short splinter of time, the man would also reset his defenses in preparation for the young boy's next attack. He would spread his legs, making sure to distribute his weight evenly and raising his tail for balance, spreading his digits for best grip upon the frosty ground. As the golden boy would begin to thrust himself toward the mocha hued man, his body tensed, tucking his chin, contorting his muzzle, raising his hackles, thrashing his tail, narrowing his eyes, creasing his brows, waiting for an attack that would never come.

He would tense up more as he craned his neck in time to see the golden body swerve past himself and honey gaze would watch him intently as he would rear, the man moving his body, but no quickly enough to avoid the swift attack, so the man's paws would land upon his shoulders. The mocha boy's crown would jerk forward as the golden boy's would as well, baring his teeth and snapping at the golden boy's throat as well, only the golden boy was swifter than he, latching onto his throat. Honey gaze would harden as his body would insinctually tense up again, Adreniline dismissing the pain, as he would move his crown slightly so it would hover over the golden boy's threatening to fall upon his head once more, and if he should release by instinct, the man would lurch forth and attempt to latch onto his right shoulder, to firmly bite him for a moment before the spar would be deemed over.

AUGUST vs. Dayton
Round Two of Two

Quote:Defenses: spread out legs, evenly distributed weight, raised tail for balance, spread out toes, body tensed, tucked chin, contorted muzzle, raised hackles, thrashing tail, narrowed eyes, creased brows.

Attacks: Faking slamming his head onto Dayton's, then if he should release, attempt to firmly bite his right shoulder, and then releasing for the end of the spar.

Injuries: Minor bruising to left shoulder, moderate bruising to lower jaw, moderate bruising to lower back.

OOC: One more Dayton post, and we are already done. ❤️❤️❤️