


05-09-2014, 08:09 PM
Where was he now? The dark gray male was wandering through the prairie, mind buzzing. He had been separated from Koi again, and in searching for her, once again Kyda had gotten himself lost. He had been near that pack before.. The one with at the plains that stirred that memory and wouldn?t come. It still troubled Kyda, though he was still thinking more clearly than he had in, well, years. The triggers for his memories trying to come back were pulling strongly... But his frustration grew that he couldn?t figure out anything. He was sure that there was something truly wrong... His mind wasn?t right. Something about his speech too. It sounded normal to him, as if he was talking the same as everyone else, though when he spoke they looked at him strange manner, as if he was speaking some odd language that made little to no sense at all.

Little did the male know, someone else nearby held frustrations just as he did. He would heave a sigh, not paying as much caution as to where he was going here, or what was ahead of him. Until his scent was blown to the herd downwind of him, sending the whitetail into an alerted, thundering frenzy.

The earth shook a bit under their hooves, eyes widening as he looked up, horrified to see the herd coming on hard and fast. The male would step back, fur bristling as he lowered his head. Calm... Try to remain calm... He tried to tell himself. As different members of the herd began to move past Kyda?s main focus was to dodge, try and make it out of the area without substantial injury to his body. Kicks went in his direction, as well as antlers of bucks of different ages.

Though it lasted only a few moments Kyda soon found himself standing alone, trembling, with minor cuts on his body. Luckily for him he had managed to avoid getting knocked over and trampled to death. The male would shake his head, looking back after the deer. ?Stars the thank...? He would mumble to himself.

{{Kyda Speech translations::

Original:: ?Stars the thank...?
What Kyda means:: ?Thank the stars...?}}