
Come Away To The Water


05-16-2014, 04:21 PM

The woman would laugh cheerfully for a moment longer, letting the little wolf trail behind. Then she gave in, not wanting to upset the child, and slowed her pace dramatically. "Now you get to catch me again!" she called teasingly, leaping away a few more times before letting the little creature bring her down. Kitsune would roll theatrically in the dirt, not even caring about her soiled coat. She could wash it later. For now she would play. Her noises of defeat were loud and obnoxious, giving way to more giggles as the pup would cry out in indignation.

Kitsune would lean up and whisper in her ear, "But you're still not bringing me anywhere." She didn't necessarily trust this child to tell her what would happen. Just because she denied the danger, that didn't mean it didn't exist. What if her parents got angry and decided to harm the little fox? No way would she put herself in that danger. Her lips would pull into a frown as she leaned back again to look the girl in the eye. Silver and green seemed to battle for a moment. "I'm sorry, little friend. I just wouldn't feel safe. Okay?"