
Stories of the Past

Taska Takira

04-29-2013, 04:02 PM
Kira had heard stories all her life, her mother would just drift into a tale every once and a while. It would always began the same, she was a wanderer, not by choice but design. Kira had heard of her grandfather and how he had marked his young daughter, banishing her at a young age. How her mother survived those early days, how she wandered onto strange lands a year and a half later and meet a new family, one that she loved very much. How Taske had given all that up later for a friend that she would have given her life for, to only be abandoned yet again for her troubles. Yes Kira had heard stories all her life, stories on her mothers love and loss, stories on how blood does not always make family, and how love can both make a break a wolf. And at the end of every story Taske turned to Kira her eyes distant and told the pup, 'I am all that much better because of my loss, I would not give up anything to save myself from that pain, and neither should you when loss threatens you, stay strong my love, even when you think your world is ending...'

Even months after her mothers death Kira holds strong to that saying, She will hold strong to her mothers memories and come out of her loss all the stronger. It was one of those last stories that Kira was chasing. Her mother had told Kira of a land not far from her birth place that housed many wolves. Taske had journeyed to that place, and Kira decided to fallow in her mothers paw prints and see what adventures this land brought her as well. But as Kira crossed the land that her mother told her about it was barren, soot and rock filled the land scape that used to house lush vegetation. So she continued on, it had not taken long for her to find where those wolves that had once lived in that land.

She was now On this path to find out the truth in some of her stories and maybe just maybe find the father that she never knew. Taske had not told Kira who it might be that fathered her all she had said was that he came outta nowhere on day and made the greatest thing in her life, but Kira wanted to know, she wanted to see who had given her mother the spark in her eye when ever she told Kira of her conception... Kira moved in the tall grass, her paws moving silently. There where no clues, Kira looked like her mother, while her father could be anyone, anyone in this wide world, but the silent little girl was not giving up, she will find who had given her life, even if she looked all her life...