


05-10-2014, 01:18 AM

Memories were a fleeting fickle thing to him, things he didn't dwell on often or care to drift back to but today seemed to be different. He was laying outside their den, Cat and Bas asleep inside but he was unable to join them. He lay languidly, hips flipped to the side and forepaws propped beneath him so he would remain half upright. He remembered lying like this with Vi on so many days when their mother thought that she had sealed them into their cavern. But as they had gotten stronger, trained more the had become strong enough to move their barriers. Though the fear of their mother often made them stay within their cave on rare occasions they would leave to watch everything from a distance. It was how they knew their family. Though now their faces were muddied and blurred with time, hard to discern Kylar would never forget the day that their mother had put names to those faces. The day she had taken them out and told him and his sister that family was your life, and that they should always remember the names, faces and scents of their siblings. Kylar had tried for so long. To get to know them from a distance, watching them romp and play and socialize from the pass. He had never truly known them though. Vi and his mother the only wolves he truly held company with. He hadn't even heard the voices of his siblings until the day of the flood. The day Vi and he had run back to the den and told Cynrik to run with their two litter mates. That had been the last time he had seen his siblings. Any of them. Over 4 years ago. He knew Vi had met some, even met Cynrik and their littermate Io. She had met their older siblings as well but he had not yet gone to see them. Would they approve of him? Would they even like him? He and been raised completely differently then them. Where as their lives had been filled with love and laughter and light his had been filled with darkness and discipline.

Would the goddess approve of him meeting his siblings? Could he bring himself to? His social skills had always lacked, had always struggled and yet here he was helping run a pack as a second in command of sorts with Narfi and Cat. It was something he never thought could be possible and yet... Here he was. That rank was the only reason his massive skull would lift, ears flittering forward to catch the echoes of the howl. "Got it...." Words were a harsh rumble that bubbled up his throat. He wasn't sure if Cat had heard or awoken by the sound but if she did he wanted her to know that he would deal with it. The massive male would heave himself to his paws, shaking out black pelt before setting off at a trot towards the sound. Skull would shake a few times before his arrival as if trying to dispel the thoughts he had been dwelling on. He should be content with Vi. She was his family. He approached the newcomer easily, head lifted though chin would forever remain tipped down. Tail was lowered so it almost dragged at the ground, licking at his heels with his movement. He looked uncertain Kylar noted and for a moment his brow would raise. "You look lost? Welcome to Arcanum. Can I help you?" It was a good thing Hati, Narfi or Cat hadn't decided to show up.