
on my own


04-29-2013, 04:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 04:42 PM by Pepper.)

The peppered woman hid perfectly within the shadows as her dual color eyes watched the male in the distance. From where she stood she could tell that he was larger than herself...and probably a year older than herself. As he looked around with his raspberry colored eyes the lass hoped he hadn't spotted her crimson and sapphire mixed eyes.

As his larger frame moved taking him to a tree, she fallowed silently weaving her rather medium sized frame through the trees and bushes so that she could stay hidden within the shadows until she was ready for him to know she was there. She was happy to be up and moving without pain, as she had after the fight with Jupiter over land. Thankfully her fur had grown back over all of her scars aside from the one on her back left paw, and they weren't noticeable unless you were looking for them.

After the dark brown male sat, back against tree, she moved out of the shadows but it didn't make her much more visible as the forest always seemed to have a darker tint to it due to the large amount of shading provided by the trees. The only thing standing out about this girl were her eyes, and they watched him closely.

Standing silently and just two feet from where she had hidden herself only seconds ago, she wondered if he had seen her already and was waiting for her to say something or if he hadn't noticed her yet.
