
taking the first steps


04-29-2013, 05:04 PM

((any high ranking wolves from Tortuga welcome, would like to make this a face paced thread though set before the challenge for Tortuga but after the pack meeting.))

She was safe, as petty and self centred as his sister was her word was her word and she would keep it even if it killed her. Secret would be safe, Vi had promised to care for her and then start the long trek back to Tortuga once she was healthy enough and hide well when they weren't moving. There had been a fierceness in his sisters eyes that he hadn't seen in a long time, a steady calm that had allowed him to leave almost instantly. He had only briefly shared what had happened, not drifting into the details but she had smiled, told him he was growing up and to go. He knew what she was talking about, he had never cared for another in his life outside his blood relations, had never rationally thought out a plan beyond the end task that needed to happen. But here he was, everything lining up easily as he made his way as quickly as possibly back to Mount Volkan. He rested only for short periods to hunt and rest, trying to conserve energy for the fight he knew was coming but pressing on as fast as he could. The brute was in no way made for speed or stamina but still, he made it back to the mountain in just under two days, loping half way up the mountain and then trudging the rest of the way. He was tired, almost exhausted and he knew he still had a lot to do. Wary glance was cast over his shoulder, he knew it was almost a 4 day walk to the delta where he had left Vi and Secret so it would be a while before they appeared.

He didn't stop moving until he was near the centre of the lands, almost exactly where the previous pack meeting had been held. Breath came in heavy pants, tongue lolling over his jaws as he fought to catch his breath. He was a very in shape wolf, young and healthy but that trek had been killer and the altitude change made him feel slightly dizzy. He almost fell back onto his haunches, taking a moment to try and calm his heartbeat and stead his breathing. He would be meeting with the alpha after all, something he had not bothered to do since joining this pack. Slowly massive frame was drawn up and he rolled his shoulders back, head tipping up and allowing a low rumbling howl to claw it's way up his throat to burst forth and call to Kaien. He had only seen the male at pack meetings and hoped that this first introduction wouldn't go terribly. Kylar knew what he had to do and knew the difference between it and what he wanted to do. But if Kaien denied his request Kylar had no issue leaving this pack and going about it as a rouge. He didn't know why but he had to do this, even if it cost him his life he had to do this...
