
Marked By Destiny



05-10-2014, 02:03 PM

Sunlight failed but only for a while

In the moonlight pale someone made me smile

Gossamir had been in her den ill with the stomach bug and it only increased her sour mood. She'd missed the hunt AND the training session. It just wasn't fair. Thankfully Ritsuka and Qanik were around to help take care of her and she deeply appreciated it. She'd been so used to being on her own that she'd forgotten what it was like to have someone look out for you and tend to you when you were down.

Thankfully she was better but she hadn't quite had the motivation to get out of the den. What was she feeling? shame perhaps? Tortuga was finally growing and where had she been? In her den. Leaving only to puke. She was sure the other members thought she was useless now.

Ears flicked forward at the sound of approaching paws then she heard the voice of Ritsuka. A grin split her maw and she got to her feet and crawled out stretching once she was outside. Maaannn she was stiff. Shaking out her coat she moved to bump her left shoulder against his right in a playful greeing. "Hey 'Suka! How's it going? Don't worry I don't think I'm contagious any more but man what rotten luck! Can't believe I missed both the hunt and the spars."

The shining almost took me

but I made it through the night