
Meet your maker


04-29-2013, 06:19 PM

She was a bubbly beautiful thing, full of life, full of wonder, full of adventure, it was rare that a smile wasn't painted upon her lips, nor laughter falling from her larynx. She was the embodied spirit of life and love, seemingly nothing could touch the dame, seemingly nothing could bring her down. Her laughter would flood the air, soft and innocent as she played about the rocks, nudging this one and bating at the next one. It seems the puppy within her still had not fled entirely.

She had never met her father had never known him, her mother had been more than enough for her, until she got left behind of course... but then she had had Ceto! She loved Ceto! He was all the family she nee- A melancholy howl broke her thoughts, she frowned a bit, it sounded distraught? Saddened? No that didn't seem appropriate. Tired? Perhaps. The sandy colored fae trotted towards the sound, weaving between the rocks and coming upon the male as ebony as the blackened sky.

"Hello mister! Is something wrong?" She would tilt her head to the side in curiosity like a curious bird, one ear twerking up and the other flopping down, covering one eye.
