
Black sheep in the crowd [pack meeting]



7 Years
05-11-2014, 01:18 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

A few more wolves arrived after she and her family did, only one of which stood out at all to them and in the most unexpected way. A pale colored female with a russet facial marking took a seat in the midst of the group, and immediately she caught Tahlia's singular good eye. Epiphron? It was strange to see the woman outside of Seracia, let alone here within another pack and answering the summons just as any normal wolf would. Had things in Seracia really become so intolerable that not even the previous rulers could stand to be within it? How many more of the old Seracian members remained to keep it strong? She wondered briefly if Loccian had a hand in this, how her dear friend Destruction was holding up there, but by then the mostly black wolf who had accepted them as part of Ebony was beginning to address them.

The mention of the Ebony queen was a little strange for Tahlia though only in the sense that she had failed to meet the woman yet. Perhaps the pups that Vaughan had mentioned really were taking everything out of her and she was being restricted to her dens alone with others to carry on the well being of the pack in her absence. It was difficult to care for a figure that should have incited loyalty and respect with their deeds and presence when she had not even a face to place with the name that Vaughan gave her.

Ranks were discussed next, those of high standing urged to make themselves known more strongly within the pack through activity, and even someone being rewarded for their service to the pack already. Tahlia lowered her gaze disappointingly. She would have loved to have been awarded a higher title too, but being so new to the pack, and recently injured as she was, there had not been enough time for her to do anything outstanding or worthy of such an honor. Her appearance might have still been a sore point, but despite it she knew she needed to get out and socialize more, help the pack, prove that she wanted a place among them so that she could win back the good standing that she wished for her family to have overall among their peers.

The talk moved on to training, and she was admittedly surprised to hear her own name mentioned when it came to the hunters. Never had her prowess been given any such praise as this, though she had often boasted to herself of being a rather skilled fisher compared to most that she knew. Her good eye roamed from Vaughan over to the newly promoted Katja, finally taking true note of the other woman and hoping that his assumptions for their working well together would prove true. The last thing she wished to have happen would be to cause rifts between herself and the other pack members. She and her family were starting over here. They needed to make the best impressions possible. Returning her attention to Vaughan, Tahlia nodded her head in understanding, promising to herself that she would get over her new insecurities to ensure her children had the future they deserved.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier