
One-eyed Joe


05-11-2014, 08:55 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Starry
How did you get here?: I pushed buttons! ;D
Age: 13 years

Character's Name: Joe
Age: 4 years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 36"
Appearance Description:. Standing at a large thirty-six inches and weighing in at a hearty one hundred forty-seven pounds, the man is indeed of large preportions but nowhere near some of the wolves of the seas the chocolate based man has seen. The nickname of 'One-eyed Joe' is spawned from the fact that he was born with his right eye whitish blue and blind, and strangely an eyepatch-like black marking over it. He has trained himself to do without this one eye, by using his sense of smell and hearing to track enemy movements, however, he sometimes cannot see you approaching, and is slightly sensitive to noise, so be sure to approach him normally, rather than quietly or loudly.

The pirate's base pelt is an even chocolate brown overlapping a creamy base color. Over this scant base, are large patches of russet brown on the upper part of each leg extending to about the second bone. Below these russet cuff-like markings is more of the creamy base, but slightly darker, leading to dark brown patches upon his front legs, whilst these patches are socks, the left being taller than the right. Perhaps he is a bit striking, but he does not do so on purpose. His tail is rather short and scant of fur, in fact, his entire bodice is. This is due to his philosophy on bathing and cleaning, which is a strange one to be revealed someday.