
Ballad Destruction


05-11-2014, 02:35 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Croatoan
How did you get here?: Been Here
Age: 16

Character's Name: Ballad Destruction
Age: 2 Years
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 31 inches, 90 pounds
Appearance Description: Ballad is a small wolf, but she doesn't exactly fall under the small size. Her fur is sleek, and it shows her actual size instead of making her look larger. Her head is raised, and her tail is raised in nothing like fear. Her ears are pricked and her eyes are searching. The only thing that makes her look so small is a single wound, one that ruined her appearance forever, ever since she got it. Her right hind paw is hurt. She rests it just over the ground when she stops, or drags it behind her when she walks.
Even if she does have an injured paw, Ballad s a beautiful wolf, with her base color being as white as snow, with only two markings, neither resembling the Destruction markings, on her fur, so she is just a little colorful. The base color of her fur is so pure, except for the other colors, that when the sun hits it, it seems to shine; but this is only because it is shiny. The marking on her back is a light gray, stretching from the back of her neck, or her scruff, to just parallel her stomach, with speckles of the pure white in between. The other markings, which are the darkest of the two, are on both sides of her face, and makes her seem so symmetrical. On either side of her face, just where the black around her eyes ends, is a beautiful marking that is a little strange. A single stripe, which looks a little strange on her face, runs down and stops suddenly, making it appear very short.

Ballad's eyes are unlike any of the other's, only being a grayish brown color, more brown than anything, while the others have bright colored eyes. This makes the girl stand out even more, even if she didn't have an injured paw, and she doesn't like it. Ballad's right hind paw is injured, as you already know. But you don't know what's wrong. It is twisted sideways just a little, so she cannot move it without it hurting her.