
Oh Brother, My Brother



3 Years
05-11-2014, 05:56 PM

Valeriya was still fuming. Her young heart felt battered, and her chest had been tight every single day since her and Kassander's fight, and she didn't know why. She would think of his words, or picture his angry little face and just... ugh. Where does he get off saying I'm so mean to him? What does he expect, someone to trail after him cleaning up his dung and thanking him for breathing? She scoffed, and scuffed her paw on the ground, catching a small pebble and flinging it towards the base of a tree. The normally jovial girl was filled with a black, cynical humor. She grumbled under her breath, asking the gods to bring her a brother who didn't irritate her on an almost daily basis. She wanted to tell mommy about his swearing if nothing else, but something told her that'd almost be like letting him win. She wouldn't prove his point that she mistreated him because she didn't! "If he wants to be a whiny baby all his life, fine," she grumbled. "I don't care if he lives in a fantasy world, it's no fur off my tail." She stopped in a huff. Her body was starting to fill out, and while she wasn't exactly graceful, she was happy to be out of the gangly, rolly-polly puppy stage. All she ever wanted to do was run and jump and swat at things with her claws. Was that really too much to ask, was it worth her being hated for? She didn't really understand that Kassander being firstborn should mean anything. She was the firstborn girl, and mother said that mattered because no matter what pups she bore, they were certain to be of their ancient blood. A boy could take an unfaithful wife, who might wipe out the line and no one would even know! And what did it matter to Kass anyways, if you can't protect yourself or fight, you can't expect to rule. Her thoughts darkened as she thought of the bad wolves who had taken her mothers home, one of the first stories she had ever been told. How could Kass want to risk that ever happening again? He's weak, she decided at last. Weak and mean and spiteful.

"Talk" "You" Think