
taking the first steps


04-29-2013, 07:23 PM

Ulrike Padded across the land his mind was locked on his daughter. She had not been around for some time, and he was not pleased with his offspring. His ears laid gently upon his head as he walked low to the ground, His mind was buzzing. He held a good rank upon this pack, and his daughter is not taking her training seriously. His tail flicked as his black eyes scanned over the area. What was he going to do about her, she came back with the scent of a different pack upon her pelt, but yet she keeps it a secret. This he shall not tolerate, not from his pup. Ulrike paused for a moment from his walking as he thought about if this was something to get worked up over. Ulrike did not want his daughter to get hurt, he knew she was growing up and soon will not need him.

Could he beginning to become alone once more, not being able to care for another like he did with Xenios for the last two years. Ulrike shook off his thoughts as he pressed onward, his stride was silent, and smooth. Ulrike knew that he would just have to face the fact that his daughter was not going to need him anymore. Ulrike's thought was interrupted by the howl of another, Ears pricked foreword as he proceeded in a fast walk in that direction. He limped a bit due to a broken leg that did not heal properly when he was young. Ulrike would not run to the other, he did not see the need to do so. He gently walked closer to the call.

As he came closer his black pools laid them selves upon Kylar, The Brute had not properly meet him before, but his sister he knew all to well. Ulrike hoped that this one had some common sense and did not act as immature as his sister. Walking closer to Kylar Ulrike begun to speak."Hello Kylar, i herd your call so i came to see what was needed. If you do not wish my presence here i shall be on my way." Ulrike was in a good mood today, well as good as his mood can get. He stood there tail swaying waiting for the other male to respond to his statement.
