
Baby, it's cold outside [ Joining ]


05-11-2014, 08:17 PM

He moved quickly, backwards, minimizing the damage that could have been dealt as she snapped at his face. She could feel the velvety skin of his ears tear beneath her jaws as he moved. He backed away, and she took advantage of that time to re-set her defenses, her tail thrashing behind her, ears still flat against her head. Her head lowered slightly, gums curling over her teeth, a snarl reverberating from her chest. Her hackles raised, her eyes narrowing again, as she stepped back, taking the time to distribute her weight evenly, her claws digging in the ground to hold her traction, so she wouldn't be easily pushed around. Her muscles were tense, she could feel her heart racing- pumping adrenaline through her body.

August lunged towards her his paws kicking up snow. The white material blinded her and she shut her eyes, thrashing her head, trying to dispel the frozen water from her eyes. She felt him slam into her, his shoulder slamming into her abdomen. A huff of air left her with the impact, and she felt herself stagger slightly away from it, she knew that'd definitely bruise. Once her balance was regained, she would dig her feet back into the ground, to stabilize herself. She felt his jaws at her shoulder, and as the snow cleared from her eyes, she turned snapping at the right side of his muzzle, her aiming to deliver a firm bite to the side of his face. As it was as spar, she wasn't trying to maim him, but enough of a bite to cause him to relent his attack. As she snapped, she tried to jerk her body away from him, so that she could turn her upper body to get more of an attack in.



Defenses: Listed in first paragraph~

Attacks: Turns head, aiming to snap at August's muzzle, in hopes that he'll release his hold on her shoulder. Tries to pull away from August's bite.

Injuries: Light bruising to shoulder from ramming into August, moderate bite to right shoulder. Bruising to abdomen, and another moderate, bite injury to other shoulder.

OOC: This just felt all over the place but I wanted to get it up before it defaulted. :_.
