
my sweet dears


05-11-2014, 09:04 PM

She was exhausted, tired and ready to fall over. Her neck was still bleeding and though it had slowed warmth still tricked down her shoulders and made a trail on the ground as she walked. She felt dazed and confused, head still ringing from the kick to the jaw she had received. She didn't know where Desiree was, if she was following Vi home, if she had left part way through the battle or what. She just didn't know. All she knew was she had to get home. Had to see her children and tell them the news. They would leave in the morning. White dipped paws stumbled and almost tripped a few times but she continually caught herself. The scent of Ludicael filled her nostrils and finally a sigh of relief was expelled from her lungs that she hadn't realized she had been holding onto. Head tipped back ever so slightly and the smallest howl was let out, calling for her family. She had left them this morning, knowing they were old enough to be left alone for a few hours but it was mid afternoon now. Everything had taken longer then she had thought. The red woman would stop not too far from the den, almost collapsing as she lay herself down by one of the pools. The steam felt wonderful, already she could feel the moisture collecting on her pelt and dragging out some of the clotted blood that clung to the back of her neck. A part of her worried about what her children would think of seeing her like this but mostly she wanted them to know that shit happened and when it did you moved on.