
Breaking free of these memories


05-11-2014, 09:12 PM

She would move forth to greet him, a light chuckle emanating in his creme chest. He nuzzled her with affection, whispering in her ear. "Don't be nervous, the Valhallans I've met here so far are kind." He urged her, giving her a gentle lick atop her brow. He was incredibly happy to see her here. And he hoped that in her time here, she would grow to be a little more social and perhaps their relationship would grow to be better as well. Head would turn slightly as he scented someone's approach. Ocean blue eyes lifted to see the dual colored form of one of his Beta's. Not one he had officially met yet, but he knew who he was from the previous meetings. He dipped his head to the male as he approached them, nodding his head in respect he would answer. "Good day to you as well." He would nose Angel, a look of pride and happiness upon his face. "And yes, this is my sister, Angel. Coming to join us, I hope."

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