
With You

Orchid I


5 Years
05-11-2014, 10:27 PM

The vastness of the world astounded the young girl, for she had rarely ventured past the confines of her previous home. She would have remained there, safe and secure with the familiarity and closeness of family, but it seemed that this was not to be her fate. Her brother had told her to go, and so she had gone. She had followed him away from home and they walked for miles to reach this new land. She did not know why, nor his intentions ? perhaps he sought to make himself head of the family that had departed, or perhaps he simply felt it had become time to move on.

She wouldn't claim to know her brothers mind, but she did know his will, and that she would be lost without the power of it guiding her. When he had told her to remain, she had obediently done so. Seating herself timidly beneath the canopy of a tree and simply waiting until her brother returned for her. She had no will to explore, and was terrified of finding herself lost, and alone from her brother. The cool temperature that came in softly swaying winds through the branches was nice and she found herself relaxing, and drifting off to sleep despite the feelings of homesickness and loneliness welling within her chest.

She would awaken to the strong scent of fresh kill and her stomach leapt to life beneath her, when was the last time she had had a truly fulling mean? She was on her feet, and casting eyes cautiously about her, weary that this could be a stranger hunting close to where she slept. She needed not have wasted the worry, with the sound of Scorpion's coming quickly to her senses, She would bound forward, excited, hungry and happy to obey. She would be before him in no time, dipping her head gently in respect to a male who was clearly higher up any hierarchy then she was. ?May I, brother?' she asked softly, nudging a toe in the earth and looking at the delicious kill.
