
It Doesn't Fall, It Crashes Around Me


05-11-2014, 10:30 PM
{{Ooc:: Will request Vi to come in later in the thread.}}

Lost. She had failed Seracia... Failed all the wolves that had been counting on her. Arian... Rohini... Those two names in particular struck at her heart. The dark woman, for the moment, was back in Seracia. Arian, faithful girl that she was, tended to her wounds after the fight. The wounds on her heart, however, were something that would not be so easy to tend to. Destruction felt broken. So very, very broken. Her role as Queen was never meant to be from the start... She was simply filling in for Loccian when she fell ill.

The pack fell apart... Loccian disappeared... And though she had tried to keep it together it just... It didn?t happen. Seracia... Was gone. Her home... All she knew... Everything was going wrong. Her spirit was left broken from the fight, far more broken than the wounds she bore on her body. It was hard to walk around... Her left leg plagued her with pain. The torn ligaments proved to make it difficult to get around. But it wasn?t the physical pain that hurt her...

It was how she let Seracia down. Since been brought back to Seracia lands it was the first time the woman had opened her single orb. How long had it been? A few hours? Days? She found herself laying in a den... Dragon?s scent was upon her coat. The woman would give a shudder, closing her eye again. Why... Why did it end this way? She felt more broken... More unsure than ever. What path did she need to be on now? Where did she go from here?

The woman could feel tears forming in her eye, despite it being closed. How could she face them...? But... It would need to be done. Her fate... She needed to decide. To remain here... Or to leave and not look back. Neither option, truly, seemed right. A soft sob would pass her lips, her head burying into her right leg.
