
With You



5 Years
Extra large
05-11-2014, 11:38 PM
He possessed her wholly, she didn't wish to be apart from him. The timid girl found refuge with him, he would keep her safe always. He felt an affection towards her, one that he continue to keep him bound to her. Knowing he shouldn't keep her distracted with his touch he would allow her to eat on her own. Finding a comfortable position within the grass his eyes would close blissfully as he awaited her to finish the gift of a meal. Finding himself in a small stupor he would only be disturbed again when his litter mate found herself in his grasp. She would curve her body to his own, becoming content in his presence as she sighed.?

Scorpion would swivel his head, aiming his muzzle to clean the girl's fur. His tongue would gently caress her delicate features, cleaning away the blood from her pale lips. It was an intimate touch he would enjoy, feeling an arousal of protectiveness over her. Elegant tail would flop behind him in visual testament to his pleasure. Having the familiar touch of his sister in the strange land would soothe him. Shifting himself to put his belly to her the long legged male would wrap his lobs around her form, pulling her closer. He would nuzzle her sporadically as he continued to groom her perfect pelt. "I've missed you these last few days my dove. I'll have to remember to keep myself closer." burying his features into the thick fur of her neck he would sigh lovingly enjoying the alluring scent she gave off.?