



5 Years
Extra large
05-12-2014, 12:11 AM
He would stay close to his timid sister, unwilling to leave her side for more than just a few hours each time. Her soft form called to him, and he would not betray it. He had found a large boulder, one he could lay upon lazily and watch out of the grasslands. He could see those that came and went and the few prey species that called the place their own. His attention would be caught by a flash of red. Sun light eyes would scan his domain as he brought himself to his full height upon the rock. Careening his head the breeze would send him her brilliant scent. A smirk would come to rest upon his bone colored jaws as he found his visual of her.?

Greedy eyes would take in her brilliantly colored form, a sense of need would erupt within him as he stood there craving her flame coated pelt. He would lick his lips as long limbs propelled him from the stone and off to search for her side.?A greedy curiosity would well up inside the man as he brought himself nearer the she wolf's presence. The faint scent of dried blood would also meet him, a feeling of dominance would take his system as his tails flagged luxuriously upon his back. He would intercept her, finding his way into her path as yellow eyes would await her hungrily. "What's a fine she wolf such as yourself doing in such a desolate place as this?" titling his head ever so slightly he would question her even before he would be able to fully look her over.?