
Walk The Path Of Wonders


05-12-2014, 06:36 AM

Shay was slowly making his way north. His hunting had improved once more, thanks to the strangely colored female assisting him in his experimentation, so he'd been able to keep himself fed, but the going was slow from his still-healing injuries. His limp had been getting steadily worse, the previously-fractured bones aching at their overuse, and he'd finally decided it was time to stop for a while and rest.

The dark entrance to a set of caves seemed to provide a suitable answer to the dilemma, and Shay slowly limped his way over to it. Standing outside the entrance the light differential made the cave seem dark and foreboding, but Shay knew he had only to step inside and allow his eyes to adjust to dispel that illusion. There would be light enough within the cave for some ways before the sun's rays could no longer penetrate. If it was a short cave system he wouldn't even need to be concerned.

With no fear Shay did not need to steel himself, he simply plunged into the shadows. He stopped immediately to allow his eyes to adjust - a good thing, for a sudden strong flowery scent hit his nose and he realized that had he continued further he may have run into another young wolf who seemed to be emanating the flowery fragrance. He sniffed curiously - the scent seemed familiar, like one of the ones the healer who'd fixed him recently had used. Lavender, she had called it in answer to one of his many unceasing questions. But the lavender then hadn't caused this strange, tight sensation in his stomach. Perhaps he had developed an allergy? Snorting the scent out of his nose, Shay backed a few steps closer to the entrance of the cave, a bit away from the wolf. The distance and fresher air seemed to ease the tense feeling, and Shay was able to relax once more from the overly-intent stance he hadn't known he'd been in.

"Hello," he said, finally finding his voice, though it was surprisingly scratchy. How disconcerting allergies could be. Well, an apology and an explanation would undoubtedly be the expected thing for encroaching upon the woman's space. Though Shay could not much see the point of exchanging such pleasantries, it did seem to be the social norm in this situation. "Excuse my intrusion into your home. I must rest my leg and did not know anyone was here."

talk, think