
Good First Impressions



7 Years
04-29-2013, 08:48 PM
Quote:She heard the quiet tread of the answering individual before she saw them, and the antsy she-wolf shifted restlessly in place before she could be seen, moving now in the hopes of not spoiling the patient appearance she gave off when they arrived. Her golden eyes remained downcast even as she heard them approach her directly, Tahlia's chest slightly tight with her desire not to mess things up before she could be given a chance, and discreetly she lifted her gaze for a quick glance at the wolf in question.

Her golden eyes blinked initially, too surprised at the young male's striking coloration to really hide her reaction properly behind politeness. His fur was just so bright, such a shade of red to inspire a touch of jealousy in the vain wolf, though she disliked the spotted pattern that adorned his rump. It took away from the color, she thought, and though she would have liked a moment to study his eyes and find out their shade she had already spent too much time looking and so lowered her golden gaze swiftly again in the hopes of not being detected, or at the least considered staring.

The moment he spoke, her lips began to draw themselves upward a the corners, hinting at a pleased, delighted smile. Such manners, such decorum. And a prince! Everything - everything - she had been searching for seemed to be confirmed in that single first sentence. Yes, she had stumbled upon a pack. And not just any pack; a pack at least similar enough to her old one to hold positions amongst it like "prince." The mere thought of royalty was enough to satisfy her, but even more encouraging was his polite greeting. If this was how their youth acted, then surely the rest of the pack was just as impeccably behaved?

She had to stop her tail from blatantly wagging and allowed it a pair of slow waves off of the cool earth as she dared to lift her eyes enough to peek at the red and white male. Ah! Green eyes! So suiting. Body exuding calmness while on the inside she danced in place, Tahlia merely smiled as Prince Maverick questioned her wait. "Oh no, not long at all. You have been very prompt, and I thank you for that," she answered sweetly, inclining her head a little toward the end to mimic her words. "I am Tahlia Carlier - of nowhere, presently." Gently as she introduced herself, the russet and black she-wolf tilted her head back to more properly regard the Prince, though it still remained in its lowered position out of respect. "This...Seracia. Does it flourish?" she questioned mildly, withholding as much of her intrigue and excitement as she could. Perfectly practiced manners were all that kept her from declaring the pack her home already, and she waited, hoping that her meagerly shown interest might still be enough to receive an invitation.