
Vaishya Adravendi



05-12-2014, 01:40 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Mouser
How did you get here?: Followed the move.
Age: 25

Character's Name: Vaishya Adravendi
Age: Newborn
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 27 inches
Appearance Description: Vaishya takes heavily after her mother in general appearance, looking like something of a miniature clone of the grey and white hunter. Her coat base is a similar if not slightly darker grey, rather solid and strong all across her frame. A deeper grey begins at a sharp, slim point upon her brow and spreads to cover the top of her head and lay across her shoulders, back, and the topside of her tail. A pale shade of grey, almost an off white, coats the underside of her chin, the backs of her forelegs, her hind toes, drapes in a thin strip over her shoulders, and creates two accentuating spots above her eyes.
The girl is not altogether without some trait inherited from her father however. It is not immediately noticeable when she is first looked at, but the backs of Vaishya's ears are a warm, chocolate brown, reflective of the main coat color of her father. And, obtaining a clear mixture of both parents, her eyes are two-toned, a band of pale gold encircling her pupil with a heavy ring of vibrant, sunny sky blue ringing that.

In build, she is nothing too impressive. She stands even smaller than her mother at a grand total of 27 inches, though the rather stooped posture she keeps only tends to exaggerate her smallness. She is lean as her mother, with a less obvious mass, and she is well aware of the feebleness she displays. But if one would look closely they would know she is not so helpless as she would seem. She is quick, her teeth are sharp, and her mind is constantly working out the best angles from which to tackle things, no matter their size.