
Brand New Day


05-12-2014, 02:25 PM

can you tell me where i am

Ballad moved closer, her ears picking up snippets of information, like the name Destruction, mentioned several times. The white creature found this conversation interesting enough, and moved closer, her twisted hind paw trailing behind her like a symbol of her shame. Her soft breathing was almost inaudible to her own ears, but her rising chest made it look like she was breathing heavily, loud enough to be heard. Claws clicked on the ground, and Ballad winced as her paw hit gravels, making her wince. But, by now, she was almost used to the pain, almost used to the shocking fear that spread through her whenever her paw hit something. Gray-brown eyes widened as she saw both of her siblings, Scorpion and Poem, talking to the wolf. He must be pretty interesting, she decided. Then, as she moved closer, beside her brother, she tilted her head when Scorpion called him 'blood'. Was this wolf a Destruction?

Ballad listened to the conversation a little while longer, listening to Scorpion tell this wolf his lineage, along with calling him Chord. With a questioning glance at her brother, Ballad sat down, her injured paw stretched away from her. Narrowing her eyes, she looked at Chord, her eyes harsh and cold. Then, when she saw the markings underneath his eyes, she wagged her tail, making it thump on the ground, and smiled. With a shake of her head, in disbelief, Ballad looked at the other wolf again, not sure if she should trust him. He was a Destruction, like them, but her own supposed best friend, besides Series, had been the one to injure her so badly. Not that Poem or any of the others besides Series knew; hopefully, they just suspected that she had gotten injured on a hunting trip when she was younger. As if making sure, Ballad looked over at Scorpion, then at Poem, her eyes narrowed just a fraction, before she turned to the other wolf, Chord. Then, she began to speak, her voice just a little soft and musical, her way of speaking making her mispronounce Destruction slightly.

My name is Ballad Destruction, as these two probably forgot to mention. She said, with a withering look at the two siblings. I'm their younger sister. If you meet any of the others, they'll have to introduce themselves, because I'm afraid it might confuse you. No offense. She said, and glared at her paw. And, I don't really like having to explain why my paw's hurt, so please don't ask.