
Foreign Aspects

white timber

05-12-2014, 03:02 PM
The weather accommodated my travels as the breeze rustled metallic hued strands. The sun wS high, and the heat a tad overbearing for one of my stature. so when the wind decided to grace me with her presence, I was relieved. I had long since attempted to relieve myself of previous lands, of my throne, essentially tossing the crown to the side as I'd gotten fed up with all the dramatic antics of the commoners. Lesser than myself, I went on a seemingly endless trek for a land all new, for creatures of equal status. When I stepped over the boundary of Alacritis, I'd wiped clean my slate. Started over, essentially, attempting to salvage whatever was left of my sanity. Even though I was no socialite, I needed to find a new atmosphere.

The land I'd embarked upon was one of foreign stature. I was unaware if anything had been claimed, if anything had been marked, what have you. So nostrils worked in overdrive as I sustained a pace of a brisk jog. Neck craned skull toward the flat and semi-dry terra as I follows the various scents. I was careful to avoid the holes embedded in the earth, especially the ones recently moistened. Meandering off toward the right, away from the majority of the geyser field, I took toward the outer skirts of it. Pivoting gracefully, prodigious mass then halted and faced the area I had just uncovered. Brilliant eyes of auric hue glared through indifferent lenses as brows knitted tightly above the pair. Limbs aligned beneath mass four square before haunches release the tension. Rump was lowered toward the crust as I would observe for some time. Ears swiveled to and fro, keeping alertness to a rather high level. With this unknown land and all of its enigma, one had to be on their toes.