
Foreign Aspects


05-12-2014, 03:46 PM

"Hurry up Liberty." He would call to his canine consort, egging her on to follow his lead through the hopefully inactive geyser. She would quickly pick up her pace, and the agile feline maneuvering over the rocky landscape with ease. Since meeting her feline companion he had led her to many far away places, the man having quite the taste for adventure and mischief. Liberty enjoyed his jaunty antics, and she found herself very attracted to him despite their species difference. She had no interest in children anyways, as she wished to only sire Isardis's pups if she ever got the chance. She couldn't imagine herself permanently beside anyone besides Isardis or Ramses, and so she was perfectly content with running around with her companion all while serving her king at the same time. What more could the mistress ask for?

"We got company, m'lady." He would beckon to his mistress, his voice drenched in vigilance as a large figure became visible among the faint steam. They would both slow their pace now, Ramses coming to walk directly beside Liberty as they approached the foreign man. He did not reek of possession, and so she would assume that he was a rogue. "Greetings stranger." She would call out, her tone dull and impassive as she studied the man with a raised brow. Was this going to be another friend, or another foe?

"Liberty speech" "Ramses speech"