

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-29-2013, 09:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 09:19 PM by Jupiter I.)
YOU SEE, the way Jupiter's luck works is that she has needs. So she decides to have a fling with the most amorous male in her pack--Marvel. A handsome beast of vanilla hues, he's quite the charmer, and, let's be honest: he has wanted in Jupiter's furry pants since day one. So after him being endlessly helpful in Ludicael, the lass finally decides to relieve both herself and the flirt of their sexual burdens. Jupiter's out of season, so, no big deal, right?

Wrong. Because Jupiter's luck sucks, it turns out that either she's quite fertile or Marvel is rather virile. Woops. Despite the unplanned pregnancy, Jupiter doesn't have it in her heart not to keep them, so she'll be giving birth to three lovely little balls of fur, and Marvel will wish that he had wrapped it up!

Here are the little loves. There are three, but the final one is already taken by me, and for that, I apologize, but I just couldn't resist! <3 They are all unnamed except for their last name (Illiadis), and the link of possible names will be enclosed in the audition form!


taken by --/--

the girl's pelt bears the most resemblance to her celestial dam in pattern. it seems as if the vibrant hues of her mother's fur have been dulled considerably by marvel's light coloring. evidence of her sire shines through the lighter dapples upon her tail and flank, while the back and the rims of her ears are coated darkly. the bottom of her silver optics fade to purple as they reach the top, and her muzzle is lighter at its bridge. the inside of her ears happen to be white. she seems to be the most well-blended example of her parents' appearances, and it appears as if she will retain their medium to large sizes, as well, but more closely holds jupiter's strength-oriented build.


taken by --/--

the shocker for jupiter as far as pelt colors go, the brute has captured traces of marvel's obsidian-pelted lineage in his dark fur. he sports a dapple-edged mask of light cream that snakes its way downwards to coat his belly and the underside of his tail. his toes are solidly and individually coated in this same light hue, and the insides of his ears show the same. the lad displays a smattering of a nearly peach-hued brown upon the bridge of his nose, as well as periwinkle/light lavender eyes.


taken by starsight

though there are traces of both her dam and her sire evident in her pelt and markings, this little gal seems to most certainly be the runt of the litter. constructed of lithe bones, this light, cream-furred lady flaunts an dulled ginger mask from her mother's side, as well as darker paws. a stripe matching her face marking trails down her back before finally tapering off at the tip of her tail. her eyes are mismatched orbs; one is the silver of her father and the other is the violet of her mother.

Now that you've seen the bundles of joy, I'm sure you're ready to adopt, yes? Good! There aren't many rules, really, other than that you be active with them. Keep in mind that this is not a first-come, first-serve basis, and Andy and I may or may not post a deadline, so get them in as soon as possible!

NAME: (can be anything from here. feel free to add a letter or two to the ends of them to make them more feminine/masculine, but otherwise we ask that you not deviate from this list unless they are the names of stars. pronunciation does not have to match that of the one on the list.)
GENDER: (male or female; there's one of each, so we'll know which one you're going for by this)
APPEARANCE: (re-describe them in your own words. optional, but it'd be nice to have. can be as an adult, pup, or both.)
PERSONALITY: (as a pup. does not have to be exactly like the parents, though we ask that their personalities not be excessively extreme--for example, no inherently evil 2-month-old pups. you're free to do whatever else you like with their personalities, though. be sure to tell their alignment somewhere in this.)
OTHER: (anything else you want to add about them or suggest to andy and I. if you're a guest auditioning, please put reliable contact info here--preferably the type you use the most, whether it by skype, deviantART, facebook, or whatever. if there's information you wouldn't like to publicly disclose, feel free to email me at ) ?

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.