
I Sing the Body Electric...



5 Years
05-12-2014, 08:41 PM

Head tilted elegantly to the side as she watched the male approach. Her nostrils flared as she took in his musky scent, analyzing what she found there and noting that the male was not of a pack but a rogue. He was in excellent shape, a warrior to to be certain but his slow approach was not enough for her haggard eyes that wanted to see that body in motion. She had lived the rogue life for some time. It was a hard life but it built sinew and stamina, it built resourcefulness and callousness that tinged passion with a razor's edge.

She chuckled at his comment about her tail being worthy of sight-seeing. Husky voice slid from her, twisting around her fangs as she spoke. "Then I must say you have good taste?" He was a little odd to be sure. The use of 'We' would normally make her worried but she'd grown quite confident in her role as Marquis. After all she was interested in other things than his sanity at the moment. How was his cunning, for example? How did his thoughts twist in the heat of sweat and blood?

D?gmar's back legs shifted onto the boulder as she slid forward with a push her body sliding slowly off the boulder to land elegantly with her paws on the ground. She moved to face the male, the grin still on her face. She felt no need to ask for his name, she rarely saw the point. "Tell me? how do you feel about? violence?" Tongue traced the outside of her fangs as her emerald eyes continued to drink in the site of him. Battle was singing in her blood, pounding in her ears and enflaming her loins. D?gmar wanted to taste the life in this man and let it spill down her throat.

ooc:... xD D?gmar tends to get away from me when I write. I think she wants to spar, lol.