
meet again



7 Years
05-12-2014, 09:02 PM

In their passing, the she-wolf felt the pull of Arwel?s teeth along the side of her right shoulder and her skin warmed under the trickle of blood that ran from the thin cuts. She was given but a moment to reset her defenses, ensuring that her stance remained wide with bent knees, splayed toes, and her claws digging into the ground for support as her weight was focused forward slightly for quicker movement. Her eyelids remained narrowed, her ears remained lowered most of the way toward her head, her head remained lowered, and her chin remained tucked from the last attack. She ensured that her tail was still in its proper position, her shoulders were still rolled forward, and her hackles were still raised in a threatening manner as the counter attack came.

The shift in Arwel?s position was not missed by Natalya?s ears and she took note that his backside was probably out of her reach now. She stepped back as she registered the noise, which ended up being a movement simultaneous with his attempt to step on her foot. He was able to get in a hard hit there but, due to her backwards movement, was unable to find purchase. She felt pain that she was sure would be followed with the blossoming of a bruise, but she paid it no mind for her attention was quickly draw to the feeling of teeth against her skin once more. Arwel?s bite found purchase in her side, and as she twisted the upper half of her body to reach him she felt the skin around where his teeth were sunken in tear.

Natalya tightened the muscles of her abdomen as she twisted the front of her body toward Arwel and dropped her torso slightly lower to attempt a bite at the ?armpit? of his right foreleg. In the same moment, she would try to sweep her front right paw from behind his same in an effort to knock his right leg from beneath him and throw off his balance. All the while, she would continue to push forward in an attempt both to escape his grasp and in the hopes of knocking him to the ground if she was able to disrupt his balance.

Round 2 of 2 | Spar

Attacks: Attempts to bite right "armpit" and sweep right foreleg, maintaining forward push so that she can try to knock him over if leg sweep disrupts his balance.

Defenses: Eyelids narrow, tail raised, head lowered, chin tucked, knees bent, widened stance, weight focused slightly toward toes, toes splayed, ears almost flat, shoulders rolled forward, claws dug into ground, hackles raised, tightened abs, and steps backwards.

Injuries: Slight tearing on right shoulder, puncture wounds and moderate tearing on right side, mild bruising on right hind-foot.