
Like My Father Before Me



10 Years
05-12-2014, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2017, 10:01 AM by Priti.)

She smelled of Uroril; no she stank of it, her brother's pack was all over her flesh, ingrained directly into her skin. She was as much a part of it now as she ever was, there was no escaping it no matter how much she may have wished. Priti did not resent her brother or his pack, only the memories the place brought up; the way she had watched him become less and less the pup she had once known and more and more their father.

Then of course there had been the whole issue of her finding a suitable mate. She was after all... royal blood; and her genetics were not to go to waste. Not that he could talk. That's why Adrenaline had been so perfect, she had loved him and Yahir had been nearly as enamored with him. In the end her brother should not have wasted his breath, she would not be producing more royal children for Uroril, she never would.

In truth what had driven the elderly woman here she could not know, she could have retired in comfort in her family's pack. Of course Yahir would have protested; if he hadn't died not long ago. But no, she had had to escape, to see beyond the oh so rigid walls her brother had erected. There was too much pain for the pack to ever feel like home.

But of course it would be autumn when she left and all through her journey her joints had ached as the temperature grew steadily colder. Priti dreamed of a respite, but where she wasn't sure. The elderly woman had been in these strange lands for all of a day or two when she happened upon someone familiar. Tall grasses obscuring her view some but there was no mistaking him. Priti had watched him grow up after all, had known and resented him his whole life. He had no doubt caught her scent by now and it would be too late to make a retreat.
