
I Won't Give You a Heart Worth Breaking


04-29-2013, 10:53 PM

How could he say that he couldn?t love her. How could he say that through his veins there was not an insatiable fire. There was a hatred, there was a sadness, there was a need to get it off his chest. He yearned for understanding, O how he yearned to understand why the girl he was so entranced by had been given to another. There should have been some unspoken word. Some kind of law, and yet nothing could speak the lord?s heart. No laws prohibited what had happened from happening. No laws would pull Gerhardt from the decision he had made with that Valhallan. Things were sealed, Chrysanthe would come to Seracia, and immediately his mind went to the darkest corners it could have gone. Nothing, no rank, no marriage, no meaning, nor symbol would keep him from her. He would commit acts of infidelity. He would claim her body even if she stood at the side of his Nephew. He cared little. He needed her. He needed her badly.

Obsession would write its letters across his heart. His demanding heart. O how he would burn the bridges and destroy the Earth to right things that had been wronged for him all. Chrysanthe was supposed to be his, and he was supposed to be hers. Except, could he stand, rather pace, across the lands in the method he was when even he had failed to tell her that he was devoting himself to her. When he had failed to tell himself that he was devoting himself to her? He had not been able to make himself only for Chrysanthe, and Chrysanthe alone, and that little truth broke his heart. He yearned for her, to dominate her in a way no other could, but he could not help himself but to think that it was fair she abide by these rules- and not himself.

She would never be okay with his heart in such a place and yet a snarl would erupt from his throat, a hidden call for Maverick. He demanded the heir?s presence. Things would not be simple resolved by him walking around Seracia throwing a fit. Something had to be done. Maverick had already been given a throne that, quite frankly, he should have still been on given the fact he was still plenty capable, and there had never been a site before Seracia like the one unfolding. A serious, scornful, perhaps even vindictive, Gideon James Mathias.
