
Dance Puppet Dance


05-13-2014, 02:07 AM

The third time is a charm, isn't that what they always say?

Which was what made the male leave his home in the Lifeless Cavern, his many adventures in a short period of time driving the male to see a more...stable home. After the unwanted invasion of some silver spoon harlot, brawls in the street, water, and meeting a whale, Imonde's mind couldn't take anymore. The male only wished to do what he did best, reek havoc.

The male lingered upon the boarder, his head low to the ground as his nostrils flare as he sniffs silently at the markers. Yes, this place just might do it. It didn't smell like it was filled with weaklings, nor did it smell like someone was trying to run a puppy mill and call it a pack. Very well, Imonde's mind settled for a moment, his ears flicking back against his head as his hackles rise upon his spine.

Perhaps this time his mind would be clear enough to make a dedicated choice into sticking with a pack. His senses told him it might be worthy, let's see who would greet the male and what sort of judgement he would pass before leaping off into the distance, or placing his Divine might with whoever called this pack home.
