
Foreign Aspects

white timber

05-13-2014, 07:55 AM
I'd long heard the pair before they approached, their chattering echoing in such a landscape. Not to mention the stench of the strange feline which traveled along side the wolf. An ear swiveled toward the duo as she spoke. A simply hello from the distaff whilst the feline only stated the obvious. Knitted brow arched ever so slightly as I allowed silence to blanket us all. I was so used to being king, to being the ultimate being that I had to quietly remind myself of my status or lack there of. Skull twisted over my shoulder, offering a glance before massive foundating paws shifted beneath prodigious mass slightly. Salmon ribbon slipped from jowls as it snaked over my chops.

After a long moment, I decided the pair was worth enough to say a meager hello to. I pivoted effortlessly, and almost abruptly as I faced the two. Scrutinizing eyes of brilliant ochriod assessed the two. If a fight should break out, I needed to know I could hold my own. I pinpointed their faults and assets, filing the important information away in my brain pan for later use.
Baritone vocals boomed from within, vibrating my chest cavity as I offered in return a very simple greeting. I could admit that it was difficult to keep conversation with one as myself, but I wasn't willing to exert unnecessary energy if the opposing force was a pointless being. And so the next few minutes would decide our fate. Vocals then silenced as I awaited either a departing or a long over due conversation.