
A new place to rest



5 Years
Extra large
05-13-2014, 08:46 AM
He would tear himself from Orchid's side, having made sure the doe was fully fed and would be sleeping for a good chunk of time. After the incident with the snake he found it difficult to leave her at all. However, prey in their grassy fields was growing sparse. The prairie dogs were on to him and the field mice were certainly not a satisfactory meal. So the large male would leave his sister, searching for more food and the possibility of a new base.?

Bleached paws carried him over the grassy knolls, his attention caught by the giant grazers that suddenly appeared around him. They knew very well of the wolf, so well that a lone one would gain hardly the bat of an eye. He was no threat to them, he was tall but ever so thin. He would never be so stupid as to take on one of the beasts alone. He'd have to gather the whole of his siblings for that expedition. While his original intent had been the scouting of his next meal, a different kind of hunger would goad him on.?

Bright yellow gaze would come to rest upon the distant form of a pale she wolf. Her scent would reach him and confirm her gender. She would watch the herd as he had been, but so alone she had as much luck taking one on as he. An amused smirk would cross his features as he beheld her impressive form. A possessive desire would arise within him as he brought himself near. She was simply magnificent.?

Quietly he would bring himself closer, preferring she not know his presence until he was too close for a quick retreat. She obviously outweighed him, but he was not looking for violence. When he found himself close enough, but a yard or two away, he would chuff softly to announce his presence. Elegant tail flagging over his back as neon gaze overtook her peaceful form. "My Lady. Might I ask why the fair maiden resides alone upon these hills. Surely some... Company would be appreciated?" his tone would not give away his intentions yet, but the longer he stared the more he would wish to call her [i]his.[/b]