



8 Years
05-13-2014, 08:52 AM

Qanik dipped her head to acknowledge Roman's words concerning the new members. Her explanation of the Arcanum queen however, drew mixed feelings from the older wolf. The outcasts of society, drawn together in a pack? Mostly she was skeptical - though often wolves were outcaste unfairly for reasons beyond their control, most who would be considered as such were the dregs of society. The killers, the rapists, the apathetic and the evil. The idea of allying with such made her skin crawl, but she kept her face carefully neutral as she nodded. She would need to trust Roman's judgement in this.

She listened carefully as Roman spoke of another pack that she'd spoken to but had been unable to come to an agreement with. Qanik became increasingly concerned as Roman spoke, her brow furrowing as Roman hesitated.

Her mouth felt suddenly dry, her eyes widening as Roman confessed she'd been raped by the male. Her hackles rose without conscious thought, an unaccustomed fury bubbling up through her shock. Ebony gave sanctuary to a rapist, Roman's rapist? "Would they agree to some form of reparation? You may have no wish to harm him, but..." Her voice came out strange, jagged and hot. Reasonable she may be, but Qanik was not one to permit harm to her family, no matter how far in the past that injury was. But Roman had said she did not want to harm him and so she would hold herself in check, though her heavy form was held stiffly in the desire to rend the creature who would dare to force himself on Qanik's alpha.

She was even more glad to hear that Roman would bring a member of Tortuga when she next set out on a diplomatic venture, though now the urge was there to triple the guard. Roman's words, admitting that she thought of Qanik as a friend as well, nearly brought a lump to her throat. With an internal sigh, the white wolf forced herself to relax from her stiff-legged posture. "I am glad to hear that." Hesitant, as she didn't know how Roman felt about physical contact, she stepped closer and bumped her forehead affectionately against the alpha's shoulder. "You saved this pack, you know," she murmured. "It was dying before you came, and you made a family out of us."
