


04-30-2013, 09:03 AM

Silence. It is commanded by him with such perfection, such perfect ease. It rolls over him, spilling over the edges; bursting at the seams, and he does not allow it to end. He drowns in its purity. Verdigris eyes devour the landscape, and he is brought to stand before the world. His gibbous thew pushes against his skin, define, well-toned, and so aesthetically righteous beneath the colors he is swathed in. Her lyrics, they come, and they destroy the reticence he has come to know. Like shattering glass he can imagine the way the walls around him crack and fall. Her voice the equivalent to the execrable destruction of something so precious; how dare she.

Fiendish gaze turns upon her, his form taking quick deliberate strides towards her as he attempt to near her sumptuous display. He can feel the licks of indifference devour him whole, and yet there is no denial of her flawless design. His voice readies in his larynx,contraltos readying themselves for exposure. It has been so long since he had spoken, and only in the moment does he, ?You are unwanted, why have you come?? He has to know. He has to know why in this world the creatures of the Earth feel so warranted to approach any. He has to know why the vixen has come to him, with questions no less. He has to know for fear of going mad, for fear of the unknown, and yet, his fears are unspoken, hidden, written only across his subconscious mind. Fears, to him they were not weakness, no, O they were the authentic creation, that once accepted, would deliver him to success.