
Dance Puppet Dance


05-13-2014, 03:21 PM

She had been patient, more than patient. Ever since she had met with Viridiana, she had waited for the moment to come when the pack would be called together. However it had yet to come. She had heard the cry of battle when Vi had summoned her opponent, though the russet woman didn't attend the battle. Afterwards she had ventured to the battlefield, picking up the scent of her Queen and beginning the slow process of trailing her. It had taken time, the scent fading here and there along the way, but she had been carried to the south, to where a once large pack had thrived. Self satisfaction shot through her, she had made it. The woman trailed the borders, hoping to catch scent of someone, anyone, she didn't want her Queen to travel far so soon after battle.

And it was her lucky day. The woman's sweet perfume wafted towards her, mingled with the stench of another. Picking an easy trot, the russet woman closed the gap between herself and her Queen, verdant gaze sweeping the landscape for her familiar form. And it wouldn't take long. Immediately she took note of the Queens defensive posture, the bite in her words. Eyes shot to the gray man, his posture equally defensive. Lips curled back, revealing rows of daggers. Dark hackles lifted, her tail curling high, but no higher than Vi's, she was submissive only to her Queen, she would only show dominance over this disgrace who dared to threaten her Queen.

Creamy legs attempted to carry her around the man, so she stood behind him, caging him between herself and her Queen. A low growl vibrated in her throat as eyes narrowed into the slits. She stood about three behind him, her defenses locked in. Limbs were squared and bent, toes spread, claws digging into the earth. Ears fell back against her skull as her gaze left the man to meet Vi's. "Is there a problem?" Silky words fell from pale lips, her voice soft, deceivingly so. It had been far to long since she had felt the adrenaline from battle, tasted the blood of her opponent.